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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
Drivers Training CenterBus at depot
Zhonghe High SchoolBus at depot
Liancheng Rd.Bus at depot
Liancheng Zhongzheng IntersectionBus at depot
Liancheng Jinhe Rd. EntranceTraffic control
Taimao Village 1Bus at depot
National Taxation Bureau Jhonghe OfficeBus at depot
Liancheng & Jingping Rd.Traffic control
Liancheng Zhonghe Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Zhonghe TempleBus at depot
Zhonghe Police StationBus at depot
Nanshan High SchoolBus at depot
Shuanghe LiBus at depot
Huatai New Village(Yian Rd.)Bus at depot
Yian RoadBus at depot
YianjiliBus at depot
Zhongxing Village 2Bus at depot
Zhongxing New VillageBus at depot
Dehe Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Yonghe Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Fuhe VillageBus at depot
Fuhe Rd.Bus at depot
Yonghe City OfficeBus at depot
Wangxi Elementary School 1Bus at depot
Wangxi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Zhulin Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Zhongzheng Bridge StopBus at depot
Chongqing S. Road Sec. 3 (Zhongzheng Bridge)Bus at depot
Heping W. Rd. 1Bus at depot
Nanfu Banxi (Nanchang Park)Bus at depot
MRT Guting Sta. (Heping)Bus at depot
Jinshan Chaozhou St. EntranceBus at depot
Center for Public & Business Administration EducationBus at depot
MRT Dongmen Sta. (Jinshan)Bus at depot
Renai Rd. Sec. 2Bus at depot
Jinshan and Taian IntersectionBus at depot
Xinsheng S. Rd. Sec. 1Bus at depot
MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng Sta.Bus at depot
Guanghua MarketBus at depot
Changan&SongJiang IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Songjiang Nanjing Sta.Bus at depot
ChangChun&SongJiang IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Xingtian Temple Sta. (Songjiang Rd.)Bus at depot
Songjiang New VillageBus at depot
Minquan & Jianguo IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan and Longjiang IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan and Fuxing IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan and Dunhua IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan E. Rd. EntranceBus at depot
China Air LinesBus at depot
Minquan ParkBus at depot
Minquan Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Sanmin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Minquan BridgeBus at depot
China Times Daily News SquareBus at depot
Sanmin Junior High SchoolBus at depot
Neihu Admin. BuildingBus at depot
National Defense Medical CenterBus at depot
Jiangjun LingBus at depot
St. Francis High SchoolBus at depot
Neihu High SchoolBus at depot
MRT Wende Sta. (Bihu Park)Bus at depot
Huguang Public HousingBus at depot
Xihu Library (Huguang Church)Bus at depot
MRT Gangqian Station (Neihu Vocational High School)Bus at depot
Lishan Jr. High SchoolBus at depot
Lishan St.Bus at depot
Shude High School of Commerce and Home EconomicsBus at depot
MRT Xihu StationBus at depot
Xihu Junior High SchoolBus at depot
Takming U. of Science and Technology (Huanshan Rd.)Bus at depot
Huanshan Rd.Bus at depot
Lishan New VillageBus at depot
Lishan High School (Huanshan)Bus at depot
Lishan High School (Gangqian)Bus at depot
KangqianBus at depot
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
Xihu Library (Huguang Church)Bus at depot
Huguang Public HousingBus at depot
MRT Wende Sta. (Bihu Park)Bus at depot
Neihu High SchoolBus at depot
St. Francis High SchoolBus at depot
Jiangjun LingBus at depot
National Defense Medical CenterBus at depot
Neihu Admin. BuildingBus at depot
Sanmin Junior High SchoolBus at depot
China Times Daily News SquareBus at depot
Minquan BridgeBus at depot
Sanmin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Minquan Elementary SchoolBus at depot
China Air LinesBus at depot
Minquan and Dunhua IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan and Fuxing IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan and Longjiang IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan & Jianguo IntersectionBus at depot
Minquan and Songjiang IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Xingtian Temple Sta. (Songjiang Rd.)Bus at depot
ChangChun&SongJiang IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Songjiang Nanjing Sta.Bus at depot
Changan&SongJiang IntersectionBus at depot
Guanghua MarketBus at depot
MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng Sta.Bus at depot
Renai Rd. Sec. 2Bus at depot
MRT Dongmen Sta. (Jinshan)Bus at depot
Center for Public & Business Administration EducationBus at depot
Jinshan Chaozhou St. EntranceBus at depot
MRT Guting Sta. (Heping)Bus at depot
Nanfu Banxi (Nanchang Park)Bus at depot
Heping W. Rd. 1Bus at depot
Chongqing S. Road Sec. 3 (Zhongzheng Bridge)Bus at depot
MRT Dingxi Sta.Bus at depot
Renai Rd.Bus at depot
Xinyi Rd.Bus at depot
Dingxi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Wenhua Rd.Bus at depot
Zhulin Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Wangxi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Yonghe City OfficeBus at depot
Fuhe Rd.Bus at depot
Fuhe VillageBus at depot
Yonghe Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Dehe Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Zhongxing New VillageBus at depot
Zhongxing Village 2Bus at depot
Chih-Kuang Senior Commercial & Industrial Vocational High SchoolBus at depot
YianjiliBus at depot
Yian RoadBus at depot
Huatai New Village(Yian Rd.)Bus at depot
Shuanghe LiBus at depot
Nanshan High SchoolBus at depot
Zhonghe Police StationBus at depot
Zhonghe Temple EntranceBus at depot
Liancheng Zhonghe Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Liancheng & Jingping Rd.Traffic control
National Taxation Bureau Jhonghe OfficeBus at depot
Taimao Village 1Bus at depot
Liancheng Jinhe Rd. EntranceTraffic control
Liancheng Zhongzheng IntersectionBus at depot
Liancheng Rd.Bus at depot
Zhonghe High SchoolBus at depot