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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
Fuzhou VillageBus at depot
Taipei University of Maritime TechnologyBus at depot
FuxianBus at depot
Fuzhou Village Sec. 9Bus at depot
Weiling TempleBus at depot
Xiaxi ShaweiBus at depot
Jianan New VillageBus at depot
Fuan Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Fuzhou Village Sec. 8Bus at depot
Fuan Junior High SchoolBus at depot
LinjiangyuanBus at depot
Dizang TempleBus at depot
XiazhuweiBus at depot
Taipei City Fire Dept. Fuan Sta.Bus at depot
Fuan VillageBus at depot
Puji TempleBus at depot
Shezi Elementary School 2Bus at depot
Shezi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Yonoglun Village (south)Bus at depot
Shezi Police SubstationBus at depot
Shezi Market2Bus at depot
Shezi MarketBus at depot
Yangming High SchoolBus at depot
Shilin Admin. CenterBus at depot
Shilin Jr. High SchoolBus at depot
ShilinBus at depot
MRT Zhishan Sta. 1Bus at depot
MRT Zhishan Sta. (Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center)Bus at depot
Zhongzheng High SchoolBus at depot
Mingde Junior High SchoolBus at depot
MRT Mingde Sta. (Donghua)Bus at depot
Ziqiang St. (Donghua)Bus at depot
MRT Shipai Sta. (Donghua)Bus at depot
General Market (MRT Shipai Sta.)Bus at depot
Yongming Police SubstationBus at depot
Veterans General HospitalBus at depot
Rongguan New Village (Eastern District of V.G.H.)Bus at depot
Yongxin VillageBus at depot
Fude Temple (Shipai)Bus at depot
Fude Temple (Xingyi)Bus at depot
HuangxiBus at depot
Mingshan TempleBus at depot
Mingshan TempleBus at depot
Xingyi Rd.Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (1)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (2)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (3)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (4)Bus at depot
Dunxu High School of Industry and Commerce(Xingyi)Bus at depot
Datong HouseBus at depot
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
Dunxu High School of Industry and Commerce(Xingyi)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (4)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (3)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (2)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd. (1)Bus at depot
Xingyi Rd.Bus at depot
Mingshan TempleBus at depot
Mingshan TempleBus at depot
HuangxiBus at depot
Fude Temple (Xingyi)Bus at depot
Fude Temple (Shipai)Bus at depot
Yongxin VillageBus at depot
Rongguan New Village (Eastern District of V.G.H.)Bus at depot
Veterans General Hospital (1)Bus at depot
Veterans General HospitalBus at depot
Yongming Police SubstationBus at depot
General Market (MRT Shipai Sta.)Bus at depot
MRT Shipai Sta. (Xi’an)Bus at depot
Ziqiang St. (Xi’an)Bus at depot
MRT Mingde Sta. (Xi'an)Bus at depot
Mingde Junior High SchoolBus at depot
Zhongzheng High SchoolBus at depot
MRT Zhishan Sta. (Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center)Bus at depot
MRT Zhishan Sta. 1Bus at depot
ShilinBus at depot
Shilin Jr. High SchoolBus at depot
Shilin Admin. CenterBus at depot
Yangming High SchoolBus at depot
Shezi MarketBus at depot
Sheyuan VillageBus at depot
Shezi Police SubstationBus at depot
Yonoglun Village (south)Bus at depot
Shezi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Yonglun Village (Yanping)Bus at depot
Zhoumei BridgeBus at depot
ZhongkuBus at depot
Fuan VillageBus at depot
Taipei City Fire Dept. Fuan Sta.Bus at depot
XiachuyuanBus at depot
Dizang TempleBus at depot
LinjiangyuanBus at depot
Fuan Junior High SchoolBus at depot
Fuzhou Village Sec. 8Bus at depot
Fuan Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Jianan New VillageBus at depot
Xiaxi ShaweiBus at depot
Weiling TempleBus at depot
Fuzhou Village Sec. 9Bus at depot
FuxianBus at depot
Taipei University of Maritime TechnologyBus at depot
Fuzhou VillageBus at depot