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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
XishengBus at depot
The East StarBus at depot
XishengguanBus at depot
JiaqixintiandiBus at depot
ZhengfengBus at depot
Datang JiangshanBus at depot
Lane 403 Minan W. Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Guanghua St. IntersectionBus at depot
Xinbao CommunityBus at depot
Guangming VillageBus at depot
Guanghua Elementary School (Minan W. Rd.)Bus at depot
Fulu New Village 1Bus at depot
Fulu New Village 2Bus at depot
Minan BridgeBus at depot
Minan Rd.Bus at depot
Hougang CommunityBus at depot
Jianfu Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Jianan St. EntranceBus at depot
Hougang 1st. Rd.Bus at depot
Jianguo 1st. Rd.Bus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University Station(Jianguo 1st. Rd.)Bus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University StationBus at depot
Institute for the BlindBus at depot
Gongyuan 1st Rd.Bus at depot
Xintai Elementary School(Xintai Park)Bus at depot
Materials Testing LaboratoryBus at depot
Xintai Junior High School South StopBus at depot
Zhongping Rd.Bus at depot
Xinzhuang High SchoolBus at depot
Xinzhuang High School(Xingfu Rd.)Bus at depot
Zhonghe St. IntersectionBus at depot
ZhonggangBus at depot
Xingfu & Zhonghua IntersectionBus at depot
Xingfu New VillageBus at depot
Xingfu & Siyuan IntersectionBus at depot
Xingfu E. Rd.Bus at depot
Huacheng Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Touqian LiBus at depot
Touqian Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Shandao TempleBus at depot
TouqianzhuangBus at depot
New Taipei Blvd. & Huacheng IntersectionBus at depot
Zhongshan Rd and Zhongxing Rd EntranceBus at depot
New Taipei Blvd. & Zhonghua IntersectionBus at depot
Sanchong City Office(New Taipei Blvd.)Bus at depot
New Taipei City Hospital(Sanchong Branch)Bus at depot
Datong Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Guoyuan TheaterBus at depot
MRT Taipei Bridge Sta.Bus at depot
Sanchong Police Station (Chongxin Rd.)Bus at depot
MRT Minquan W. Rd. StationBus at depot
National Tuberculosis AssociationBus at depot
Datong Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Minzu and Chengde IntersectionBus at depot
Kulun St. EntranceBus at depot
Minglun High SchoolBus at depot
Jiantan Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Yuanshan Royal BuildingBus at depot
Danan Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Shishang Rd.Bus at depot
Shilin Admin. CenterBus at depot
Shilin Jr. High SchoolBus at depot
Shilin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Xiaobei St.Bus at depot
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
MRT Jiantan Sta. (Taipei Performing Arts Center)Bus at depot
Yuanshan Royal BuildingBus at depot
Jiantan Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Minglun High SchoolBus at depot
Kulun St. EntranceBus at depot
Minzu and Chengde IntersectionBus at depot
Datong Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Minquan & Dalong RoadsBus at depot
Sanchong Police Station (Chongxin Rd.)Bus at depot
MRT Taipei Bridge Sta.Bus at depot
Tiantai SquareBus at depot
Datong Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
New Taipei City Hospital(Sanchong Branch)Bus at depot
Sanchong City Office(New Taipei Blvd.)Bus at depot
New Taipei Blvd. & Zhonghua IntersectionBus at depot
New Taipei Blvd. & Chongguang IntersectionBus at depot
Huacheng & New Taipei Blvd IntersectionBus at depot
TouqianzhuangBus at depot
Shandao TempleBus at depot
Touqian Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Touqian LiBus at depot
Huacheng Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Xingfu E. Rd.Bus at depot
Xingfu & Siyuan IntersectionBus at depot
Xingfu New VillageBus at depot
Xingfu & Zhonghua IntersectionBus at depot
ZhonggangBus at depot
Zhonghe St. IntersectionBus at depot
Xinzhuang High School(Xingfu Rd.)Bus at depot
Xinzhuang High SchoolBus at depot
Zhongping Rd.Bus at depot
Xintai & Fuxing IntersectionBus at depot
Materials Testing LaboratoryBus at depot
Xintai Elementary School(Xintai Park)Bus at depot
Gongyuan 1st Rd.Bus at depot
Institute for the BlindBus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University StationComing soon
MRT Fu Jen University Station(Jianguo 1st. Rd.)4mins
Jianguo 1st. Rd.5mins
Hougang 1st. Rd.6mins
Jianan St. Entrance7mins
Jianfu Rd. Intersection9mins
Hougang Community9mins
Minan Rd.12mins
Minan Bridge12mins
Fulu New Village 213mins
Fulu New Village 114mins
Guanghua Elementary School (Minan W. Rd.)15mins
Guangming VillageComing soon
Xinbao CommunityComing soon
Guanghua St. IntersectionComing soon
Lane 403 Minan W. Rd. IntersectionComing soon
Datang JiangshanComing soon
Xisheng 15mins