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::: 758

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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
Ming Ri Shi JieBus at depot
Deyin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Far Eastern Logistic Co.Bus at depot
Dake BridgeBus at depot
Mingzhi and Heping IntersectionBus at depot
Taishan Post OfficeBus at depot
XiataishanyanBus at depot
Taishan Dist. OfficeBus at depot
Taishan High SchoolBus at depot
Tongrong VillageBus at depot
Yixue VillageBus at depot
Wencheng Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Mingzhi VillageBus at depot
Mingzhi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
TaishanyanBus at depot
Mingchi U. of TechnologyBus at depot
Hongtai New VillageBus at depot
XiapojiaoBus at depot
MRT Taishan Guihe Station(Mingzhi Rd.)Bus at depot
Danfeng 1Bus at depot
MRT DanfengBus at depot
SanyoBus at depot
YingpankouBus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University StationBus at depot
Institute for the BlindBus at depot
Haishan VillageBus at depot
Xintai Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Xinzhuang Sta.(Xinzhuang Post Office)Bus at depot
Xinzhuang Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Baoyuan TempleBus at depot
MRT Touqianzhuang StationBus at depot
TouqianBus at depot
Ginling Girls' High SchoolBus at depot
Zhongxing St. EntranceBus at depot
MRT Xianse Temple StationBus at depot
Wuguwang TempleBus at depot
Chongxin BridgeBus at depot
Ximen Elementary School (Nat'l Taiwan U. Hospital Bei-hu Branch)Bus at depot
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health SciencesBus at depot
Neijiang St.Bus at depot
Ximen Market (Hanzhong)Bus at depot
Soochow U. Downtown CampusBus at depot
Taipei First Girls High School (Guiyang)Bus at depot
C.K.S. Memorial HallBus at depot
Xinyi & Hangzhou IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Dongmen Sta.Bus at depot
Xinyi & Yongkang Intersection (MRT Dongmen Sta.)Bus at depot
Xinyi & Xinsheng IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Daan Park Sta.Bus at depot
XinYi & JianGuo IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Daan Sta. (Xinyi)Bus at depot
XinYi & DaAn IntersectionBus at depot
Xinyi & Dunhua IntersectionBus at depot
MRT XinYi-AnHe Sta. (Xinyi)Bus at depot
XinYi-TongHua IntersectionBus at depot
XinYi & GuangFu IntersectionBus at depot
Wuxing St. EntranceBus at depot
Sanxing Elementary School (Linjiang St. Night Market)Bus at depot
George Vocational High School of TaipeiBus at depot
MRT Liuzhangli Sta. (Heping)Bus at depot
Fuyang St. EntranceBus at depot
Lizhong MarketBus at depot
MRT Linguang Sta.Bus at depot
LinguangBus at depot
DawoxinsheBus at depot
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
DawoxinsheBus at depot
LinguangBus at depot
Lizhong MarketBus at depot
Fuyang St. EntranceBus at depot
MRT Liuzhangli Sta. (Heping)Bus at depot
George Vocational High School of TaipeiBus at depot
Sanxing Elementary School (Linjiang St. Night Market)Bus at depot
Wuxing St. EntranceBus at depot
Wuxing Elementary School(Keelung Rd.)Bus at depot
XinYi & GuangFu IntersectionBus at depot
XinYi-TongHua IntersectionBus at depot
MRT XinYi-AnHe Sta. (Xinyi)Bus at depot
Xinyi & Dunhua IntersectionBus at depot
XinYi & DaAn IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Daan Sta. (Xinyi)Bus at depot
HSNUBus at depot
XinYi & JianGuo IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Daan Park Sta.Bus at depot
XinYi & Xinsheng IntersectionBus at depot
XinYi-YongKang IntersectionBus at depot
MRT Dongmen Sta.Bus at depot
Xinyi & Hangzhou IntersectionBus at depot
C.K.S. Memorial HallBus at depot
Taipei First Girls High School (Guiyang)Bus at depot
Soochow U. Downtown CampusBus at depot
Ximen Market (Chengdu)Bus at depot
Ximen Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Chongxin BridgeBus at depot
Wuguwang TempleBus at depot
MRT Xianse Temple StationBus at depot
Zhongxing St. EntranceBus at depot
Ginling Girls' High SchoolBus at depot
TouqianBus at depot
MRT Touqianzhuang StationBus at depot
Dazhong TempleBus at depot
MRT Xinzhuang Sta.(Xinzhuang Post Office)Bus at depot
Xintai Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Haishan VillageBus at depot
Institute for the BlindBus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University StationBus at depot
YingpankouBus at depot
SanyoBus at depot
MRT Danfeng Sta.Bus at depot
Danfeng 1Bus at depot
MRT Taishan Guihe Station(Mingzhi Rd.)Bus at depot
XiapojiaoBus at depot
Hongtai New VillageBus at depot
Mingchi University of TechnologyBus at depot
TaishanyanBus at depot
Mingzhi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Mingzhi VillageBus at depot
Wencheng Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Yixue VillageBus at depot
Tongrong VillageBus at depot
Taishan High SchoolBus at depot
Taishan Rural Township HallBus at depot
XiataishanyanBus at depot
Taishan Post OfficeBus at depot
Mingzhi and Heping IntersectionBus at depot
Dake BridgeBus at depot
Far Eastern Logistic Co.Bus at depot
Deyin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Ming Ri Shi JieBus at depot