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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
Zhinan Bus Company Shulin StationBus at depot
Xinxing St. IntersectionBus at depot
Sanjia Elementary SchoolBus at depot
DongshanBus at depot
South Shulin StationBus at depot
Dongsheng Fude TempleBus at depot
Dongsheng ParkBus at depot
Haiming TempleBus at depot
Shulin Renai HospitalBus at depot
Yuying St. IntersectionBus at depot
Shulin Train Station RearBus at depot
Zhongshan Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Jian Temple(Shuxin Rd.)Bus at depot
Shulin Arts Administration BuildingBus at depot
ShisangongBus at depot
ZunFu VillageBus at depot
XucuoBus at depot
ZhengfengBus at depot
Xisheng 1Bus at depot
JiaqixintiandiBus at depot
XishengguanBus at depot
DongfangzhixingBus at depot
XishengBus at depot
Xinshu & Minan Intersection(Xintai Hospital)Bus at depot
Jianguo 2nd. Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Jianguo and Hougang IntersectionBus at depot
Jianguo 1st. Rd.Bus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University StationBus at depot
YingpankouBus at depot
SanyoBus at depot
MRT Danfeng StationBus at depot
Danfeng 1Bus at depot
MRT Taishan Guihe Station(Mingzhi Rd.)Bus at depot
XiapojiaoBus at depot
Hongtai New VillageBus at depot
Mingchi University of TechnologyBus at depot
TaishanyanBus at depot
Mingzhi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Mingzhi VillageBus at depot
Wencheng Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Yixue VillageBus at depot
Tongrong VillageBus at depot
Taishan Senior High SchoolBus at depot
Taishan District OfficeBus at depot
XiataishanyanBus at depot
Taishan Post OfficeBus at depot
Mingzhi and Heping IntersectionBus at depot
Dake BridgeBus at depot
Far Eastern Logistic Co.Bus at depot
Deyin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Ming Ri Shi JieBus at depot
M.P SchoolBus at depot
PenglaikengBus at depot
Wugu Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Wugu Service CenterBus at depot
Zhouzi BridgeBus at depot
Chengtai Rd. Sec. 3Bus at depot
KengkouBus at depot
ZhouziBus at depot
Chenggong LiBus at depot
Xiyun TempleBus at depot
WufuqiansuiBus at depot
Chengzhou Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Wugu Post OfficeBus at depot
XinXing ApartmentBus at depot
ChengzhouBus at depot
Chengtai Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
ShizitouBus at depot
WaishitouBus at depot
Guandu Bridge 1Bus at depot
XucuoBus at depot
MRT Zhuwei StationBus at depot
Mackay Memorial HospitalBus at depot
Minquan Rd.3 Lane EntranceBus at depot
Nursing HomeBus at depot
Zhuwei Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Bashi VillageBus at depot
MRT Hongshulin Sta.Bus at depot
Bashi 1st St.Bus at depot
GanzhenlinBus at depot
DanxiawanBus at depot
Waigan ZhenlinBus at depot
Sports ParkBus at depot
MRT Tamsui Sta.Bus at depot
Yongle Lane Entrance(Zhongshan Market)Bus at depot
JhongJian St. EntranceBus at depot
Tamsui LiberryBus at depot
Little White House (Danshui Precinct)Bus at depot
Fort Santo Domingo (Aletheia U.)Bus at depot
VeterInary Research InstituteBus at depot
Hobe Fort (Martyrs’ Shrine Golf Club)Bus at depot
YouCheKouBus at depot
Yi-Shin KindergartenBus at depot
Tamkang HaojingBus at depot
DahewenmingBus at depot
Guoling Blvd.Bus at depot
Tiansheng CommunityBus at depot
Shalun Rd. Sec. 1Bus at depot
Shalun & Binhai IntersectionBus at depot
Xinshi 2nd Rd. Sec. 2Bus at depot
Danhui Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Ideal Home Community(Xinshi 2nd. Rd.)Bus at depot
Houzhou & Xinshi 3rd Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Huangchengjiatianxia CommunityBus at depot
Xinshi StationBus at depot
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
Xinshi StationBus at depot
Huangchengjiatianxia CommunityBus at depot
Houzhou & Xinshi 3rd Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Ideal Home Community(Xinshi 2nd. Rd.)Bus at depot
Danhui Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Xinshi 2nd Rd. Sec. 2Bus at depot
Shalun & Binhai IntersectionBus at depot
Shalun Rd. Sec. 1Bus at depot
Tiansheng CommunityBus at depot
Guoling Blvd.Bus at depot
Dahe WenmingBus at depot
Tamkang HaojingBus at depot
StationBus at depot
Yi-Shin KindergartenBus at depot
YouchekouBus at depot
Cannon FortressBus at depot
VeterInary Research InstituteBus at depot
Fort Santo Domingo (Aletheia University)Bus at depot
Little White House (Danshui Precinct)Bus at depot
Tamsui LiberryBus at depot
Chongjian St. IntersectionBus at depot
Yongle Lane EntranceBus at depot
Huanan BankBus at depot
MRT Tamsui StationBus at depot
Sports ParkBus at depot
WaiganzhenlinBus at depot
GanzhenlinBus at depot
Bashi 1st St.Bus at depot
MRT Hongshulin Sta.Bus at depot
Bashi VillageBus at depot
Zhuwei Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Nursing HomeBus at depot
Mackay Memorial HospitalBus at depot
MRT Zhuwei StationBus at depot
XucuoBus at depot
Guandu Bridge 1Bus at depot
WaishitouBus at depot
ShizitouBus at depot
Chengtai Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Chengde ParkBus at depot
XinXing ApartmentBus at depot
Wugu Post OfficeBus at depot
Chengzhou Elementary SchoolBus at depot
WufuqiansuiBus at depot
Siyun TempleBus at depot
Chenggong VillageBus at depot
ZhouzihBus at depot
KengkouBus at depot
Chengtai Rd. Sec. 3Bus at depot
Zhouzi BridgeBus at depot
Wugu Service CenterBus at depot
Wugu Elementary SchoolBus at depot
PenglaikengBus at depot
M.P SchoolBus at depot
Mingri ShijieBus at depot
Deyin Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Far Eastern Logistic Co.Bus at depot
Dake BridgeBus at depot
Mingzhi and Heping IntersectionBus at depot
Taishan Post OfficeBus at depot
XiataishanyanBus at depot
Taishan Dist. OfficeBus at depot
Taishan Senior High SchoolBus at depot
Tongrong VillageBus at depot
Yisyue VillageBus at depot
Wencheng Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Mingzhi VillageBus at depot
Mingchi Elementary SchoolBus at depot
TaishanyanBus at depot
Mingchi University of TechnologyBus at depot
Hongtai New VillageBus at depot
XiapojiaoBus at depot
MRT Taishan Guihe Station(Mingzhi Rd.)Bus at depot
Danfeng 1Bus at depot
MRT Danfeng StationBus at depot
SanyoBus at depot
YingpankouBus at depot
MRT Fu Jen University Station(Jianguo 1st. Rd.)Bus at depot
Jianguo 1st. Rd.Bus at depot
Jianguo and Hougang IntersectionBus at depot
Jianguo 2nd. Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Xinshu & Minan Intersection(Xintai Hospital)Bus at depot
XishengBus at depot
DongfangzhixingBus at depot
XishengguanBus at depot
JiaqixintiandiBus at depot
ZhengfengBus at depot
Da An Transformer Substation (Xinshu Rd.)Bus at depot
XucuoBus at depot
ZunFu VillageBus at depot
ShisangongBus at depot
Shulin Arts Administration BuildingBus at depot
Jian Temple(Shuxin Rd.)Bus at depot
Zhongshan Rd. IntersectionBus at depot
Shulin Train Station RearBus at depot
Yuying St. IntersectionBus at depot
Shulin Renai HospitalBus at depot
Haiming TempleBus at depot
Dongsheng ParkBus at depot
Dongsheng Fude TempleBus at depot
South Shulin StationBus at depot
DongshanBus at depot
Sanjia Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Xinxing St. IntersectionBus at depot
Zhinan Bus Company Shulin StationBus at depot