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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
FudeBus at depot
XiangtoupuBus at depot
Wanfu BridgeBus at depot
MRT Taipei Zoo Sta.Bus at depot
Maokong Gondola Taipei Zoo StationBus at depot
Wanshou Bridge (Xinguang)Bus at depot
Wanshou Qiaotou (Xiuming)Bus at depot
Wanxing Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Zhinan ShanzhuangBus at depot
The Institute of International RelationsBus at depot
Maokong Gondola Taipei Zoo StationBus at depot
National Chengchi U. Qingjing CommunityBus at depot
Greenfield ShanzhuangBus at depot
Qixia ShanzhuangBus at depot
Zhengda YuhuayuanBus at depot
Zhengda YuhuayuanBus at depot
Qixia ShanzhuangBus at depot
Affiliated High School of NCUBus at depot
ZhengDa 2rd. St. EntranceBus at depot
ProvenceBus at depot
Zhaoru Nursing CenterBus at depot
Zhaoru Nursing CenterBus at depot
ProvenceBus at depot
Zhengda 3rd. St.Bus at depot
National Chengchi U. Heshu CommunityBus at depot
Xiaokengkou (Beizheng Jr. High School)Bus at depot
National Chengchi U.Bus at depot
Xinguang Rd. EntranceBus at depot
Wenshan Dist. Admin. Center (Muxin)Bus at depot
Muzha Elementary SchoolBus at depot
Huaxia Village 6Bus at depot
Jiukang St. EntranceBus at depot
Wenshan Police Sta. 1Bus at depot
Mamingtan (Zaixing High School)Bus at depot
Xinglong ShanzhuangBus at depot
Coast Guard Administration 1Bus at depot
Coast Guard AdministrationBus at depot
Wenshan Sports Center (Xinglong)Bus at depot
Taiwan Police CollegeBus at depot
MRT Wanfang Hospital Sta.Bus at depot
China University of Technology (Xinglong)Bus at depot
Xinglong Elementary SchoolComing soon
Fuxing Rd. EntranceComing soon
Dunnan Meijin CommunityComing soon
xingwang ParkComing soon