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::: F218

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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
XiapojiaoNot in service
Mingchi University of TechnologyNot in service
TaishanyanNot in service
Mingzhi Elementary SchoolNot in service
Wencheng Rd. EntranceNot in service
Yixue VillageNot in service
Tongrong VillageNot in service
Taishan High SchoolNot in service
Taishan District OfficeNot in service
Taishan Police SubstationNot in service
Futai VillageNot in service
Taipei HospitalNot in service
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
Futai VillageNot in service
Taishan PrecinctNot in service
Taishan Dist. OfficeNot in service
Taishan Senior High SchoolNot in service
Tongrong VillageNot in service
Yixue VillageNot in service
Wencheng Rd. EntranceNot in service
Mingzhi Elementary SchoolNot in service
TaishanyanNot in service
Mingchi U. of TechnologyNot in service
XiapojiaoNot in service