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::: NH6

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Go Stop
Go Stop Time (minute)
Luzhou Bus TerminalNot in service
XiqianNot in service
MRT Sanhe Juior High School Sta.Not in service
Delin Temple(Sanhe Rd.)Not in service
Changyuan W.St. EntranceNot in service
Datong Rd. IntersectionNot in service
Xinhu 1st. Rd. EntranceNot in service
Xinhu and Jiuzong IntersectionNot in service
Unitech BuildingNot in service
Libao BuildingNot in service
GongguanshanNot in service
Ruiguang Rd.Not in service
Ruiguang &Gangqian RoadsNot in service
Renbao Bldg.Not in service
Jihu Rd. EntranceNot in service
Jihu StopNot in service
Back Stop
Back Stop Time (minute)
Jihu StopNot in service
Jihu Rd. EntranceNot in service
Renbao Bldg.Not in service
Ruiguang & Gangqian IntersectionNot in service
Ruiguang Rd.Not in service
GongguanshanNot in service
Libao BuildingNot in service
Unitech BuildingNot in service
SoutheastBusParkingLotNot in service
Xinhu and Jiuzong IntersectionNot in service
Xinhu 1st. Rd. EntranceNot in service
Datong Rd. IntersectionNot in service
Changyuan W.St. EntranceNot in service
Delin Temple(Sanhe Rd.)Not in service
MRT Sanhe Juior High School Sta.Not in service
XiqianNot in service
Luzhou Sta.Not in service